“Nosotros, los de a pie”
Homenajeando a los ciudadanos de a pie, a los ambulantes, los invisibles a la sociedad. Al inmigrante europeo, latino, africano, a ellos y ellas, los ciudadanos del mundo, sosten del planeta. ¡A quiene nadie les canta, ni dedica poemas, a quienes ningún pintor inspira!“We, The Ordinary Ones”
We honor the ordinary citizens, the street people, those invisible to society. We honor the citizens of the world—from Europeans to Latinos to Africans—and the immigrants who s...
"Our Spring" in the Mission: Through music, art, and song, we reflect traditions of protest and resilience inspired by the popular demonstrations in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan between 2010 and 2013.
Mission Stoop Fest (STOOP) is a civil society arts experiment that transpires on the front stoops of local residences, where traditional and contemporary artists perform and where local residents share stories and histories. The front...
February Stoop Fest will engage artists from different geographies, minds, ages, and histories to share their dreams for this new year; to discover what is common and uncommon between us; and to explore the collective dream of our families, our city, and our world. We encourage you to bring a dream to share: write it, sing it, recite it, sculpt it, or dance it!
Mission Stoop Fest (STOOP) is a civil society arts experiment that transpires on the front stoops of local reside...
Mission Stoop Fest (STOOP) is a civil society arts experiment that transpires on the front stoops of local residences, where traditional and contemporary artists perform and where local residents share stories and histories. The front stoop represents a literal threshold between the public and private spheres and is a historic site of spontaneous community interaction and exchange. Occurring during the day on the same bi-monthly dates as sister-project, Mission Arts & Performance Project (MAPP),...