Invisible Bird is a guitar, trumpet, and drum trio collectively led by three engaging artists from the Bay Area—Scott Amendola, Shane Endsley, and Dave Devine. Together, their distinct compositional voices craft original music that transports the listener from rootsy back beats, to anthemic indie rock, to acoustic modern jazz, to ambient electronica.
Shane Endsley - trumpet, whammy bass, electronics
Dave Devine - guitar, effects
Scott Amendola - drums, percussion, electron...
Morescott amendola
Custer/James/Amendola/Glasgow: Film Scores Without Films
Joined by New York vocalist Diana Mangano, four Bay Area musical treasures convene for one night to present the music of Beth Custer and David James, and to explore spontaneous improvisations. Custer's growling bass clarinet meets James's versatile guitar, on a bed of grooves by Amendola and Glasgow.Featuring:
Beth Custer - clarinets
David James - guitar
Scott Amendola - drums
Jordan Glasgow - keyboards
Diana Mangano - vocalsBeth Custer is an Emmy Award-winning composer, performer, ...