Launched in 2003, the Mission Arts & Performance Project (MAPP) is a homegrown bi-monthly, multidisciplinary, intercultural happening that takes place in the Mission District of San Francisco. On the first Saturday of every even month of the year, the MAPP transforms ordinary spaces, such as private garages, gardens, living rooms, studios, street corners, and small businesses into pop-up performance and exhibition sites for a day/night of intimate-scale artistic and cultural exchange among a kal...
STOOP: “Our Spring” in the Mission
"Our Spring" in the Mission: Through music, art, and song, we reflect traditions of protest and resilience inspired by the popular demonstrations in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan between 2010 and 2013.
Mission Stoop Fest (STOOP) is a civil society arts experiment that transpires on the front stoops of local residences, where traditional and contemporary artists perform and where local residents share stories and histories. The front...
MoreMAPP: N.E.W. Experiences
The next edition of MAPP, on April 1, highlights the work of an international collective of producing artists who will be featured in the New Experimental Works Festival at CounterPulse on May 4-7th, 2017. The N.E.W. Festival, dedicated to radical theater-making and performance, is part of a collaborative effort between the California Institute of Integral Studies and the University of Chichester in West Sussex, England. The mission of the festival is to break traditional norms for both audience...