BON JOUR MONOGRAMISTA T.D: Slovakia/SF Intermedia Project

monogramista td
Monogramista T.D (born as Dezider Tóth in 1947) is considered “the father of Slovak conceptual art” with artwork ranging from performance, installation and bookmaking, to painting, object and minimalist intervention. His work, Partituras (1976-1978), attracted the attention of contemporary Slovak composers and intermedia artists, Fero Kiraly and Ivan Siller. Partituras is a series of ink drawings strongly resembling music scores. Until now, it has never been musically portrayed. Kiraly and Sille...

ACKAMOOR/MOLINA DUET: A Ritualistic Musical Journey Improvised With Traditional & Invented Instruments

Using a multitude of traditional acoustic and invented instruments, ACKAMOOR/MOLINA DUET creates a ritualistic, improvised musical journey that takes the listeners through various sonic territories, including ambient, experimental, jazz, American folk, and more.Using modern technology, Molina creates sparse and dense layers, which can range from hauntingly beautiful and meditative to dark and unnerving soundscapes. Idris uses his collection of alto and tenor saxophones, keyboards, and inve...