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Lit Crawl: Veins & Tributaries | What’s the Buzz? | S’mores & Stories
October 26, 2024 @ 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Lit Crawl: Veins & Tributaries | What’s the Buzz? | S’mores & Stories
Saturday, October 26th, 2024
Time: 4:45 doors, 5:00 show
Admission: FREE
Donation is encouraged
Red Poppy Art House is hosting three LitCrawl events:
– 5 pm – 6 pm – Veins & Tributaries: A Reading with Diasporic Burmese American Writers
– 6:30 pm -7:30 pm – What’s the Buzz? The Hive Poetry Collective Chats Up the Audience
– 8 pm – 9 pm – S’mores & Stories: Tales from the Edges of California
5 pm – 6 pm
Veins & Tributaries: A Reading with Diasporic Burmese American Writers
Explore literary tributaries branching from the Burmese diaspora with poetry, fiction, and memoir. Five intergenerational authors, each drawing from their deep ancestral roots in Myanmar, explore the intricate geo-political themes of identity, displacement, and legacy. Join us for a vivid dialogue on how the shadows of post-independence Burma shape notions of time, space, and self.
Curator: Maw Shein Win
Michelle Dunn Marsh
Audrey T. Williams
Maw Shein Win
Kenneth Wong
6:30 pm -7:30 pm
What’s the Buzz? The Hive Poetry Collective Chats Up the Audience
The Hive Poetry Collective, a national podcast and radio series produced by women poets from Santa Cruz, will speed-interview audience members whose names we’ll draw from a hat. Like speed dating—with literary rather than romantic intentions—our experienced interviewers will quickly draw the poetic nectar from our volunteer “blooms.”
Curator: Roxi Power
Julia Chiapella
Farnaz Fatemi
Julie Murphy
Roxi Power
The Hive Poetry Collective is a group of Santa Cruz poets creating a weekly radio show and live poetry events featuring a diverse roster of poets. The Hive radio show is broadcast on KSQD, 90.7 FM Community Radio in Santa Cruz on Sunday nights from 8pm-9pm. All episodes are available to stream through anchor.fm, and wherever you get your podcasts.
Website: https://hivepoetry.org/about-uzz/
8 pm – 9 pm
S’mores & Stories: Tales from the Edges of California.
Gather around the “campfire” for S’mores & Stories, hosted by the Desert Salon writing retreat. Enjoy free s’mores courtesy of Mojave Mallows and readings inspired by the strangeness and beauty of California. You’ll laugh, feel inspired, and get a chill down your spine—because no campfire is complete without a spooky story!”
Curator: Lexi Pandel
Lexi Pandell (host)
Tanya Zilinskas
Jessica Powell
Katie Wheeler-Dubin
Billy Song
S’mores & Stories is a collaboration between the Desert Salon writing retreat and Mojave Mallows, an organic marshmallow company based in Joshua Tree and Los Angeles.
Social media: @desertsalon @mojavemallows
Website: desertsalon.com and mojavemallows.com
Veins & Tributaries
Michelle Dunn Marsh is a first-generation American of Indo-Burmese and Irish descent. She completed her BA in literature and art history at Bard College, and holds an MS in Publishing from Pace University. She conceived, and with Steve McIntyre co-founded Minor Matters in 2013. Minor Matters has published over thirty contemporary art books with the participation of an international audience. Dunn Marsh has had a bi-coastal and multi-faceted career in publishing and as an educator; she was the subject of an exhibition at the Highline Heritage Museum in Burien, Washington in 2019. That led to the publication of her memoir, Seeing Being Seen: A Personal History of Photography, released in 2022. She is in development on her next book, Partially True Memories of Lives I’ve Never Lived. Minor Matters website
Audrey T. Williams is a speculative literary artist who writes poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction. Her writing is published in Conjuring Worlds: An Afrofuturist Textbook, Space & Time magazine, and Lightspeed. Raised in coastal North Carolina, Audrey’s work is rooted in the culture of place and her heritage at the intersection of Southern Black America and Indo-Burmese diaspora. Audrey T. Williams’s website
Maw Shein Win’s new full-length poetry collection is Percussing the Thinking Jar (Omnidawn). Her previous collection Storage Unit for the Spirit House (Omnidawn) was nominated for the Northern California Book Award in Poetry, longlisted for the PEN America Open Book Award, and shortlisted for CALIBA’s Golden Poppy Award for Poetry. She is the inaugural poet laureate of El Cerrito, CA and teaches in the MFA Program at USF. Maw Shein Win’s website
Kenneth Wong is a Burmese American author and a language instructor. His short stories, essays, and poetry translations have appeared in The San Francisco Chronicle magazine, AGNI (Boston University), Eleven Eleven(California College of the Arts), The Irrawaddy, Myanmar Times, and more. He teaches beginning and intermediate Burmese at UC Berkeley. Kenneth Wong on Instagram
What’s the Buzz?
Julia Chiapella’s poetry has appeared in Pirene’s Fountain, The Round, The Wax Paper, and West Branch among others. She is the retired director of the Young Writers Program and received the Gail Rich Award for creative contributions to Santa Cruz County. She is a member of the Hive Poetry Collective where she organizes readings and hosts podcasts.
Farnaz Fatemi is Santa Cruz County Poet Laureate, an Academy of American Poetry Laureate Fellow, and author of the poetry collection, Sister Tongue زبان خواهر. Her poems and essays appear in Alaska Quarterly, Catamaran Literary Reader, Kenyon Review, No Tokens Journal, Poets.org, Tahoma Literary Review, Tab Journal, Terrain.org, and elsewhere. More at farnazfatemi.com
Julie Murphy’s poems appear or are forthcoming in Salt, River Heron, Chicago Quarterly Review, Atlanta Review, Massachusetts Review, CALYX, and SWWIM, among other journals. A member of Community of Writers, she taught poetry at Salinas Valley State Prison and with the Hive Poetry Collective, she hosts a weekly poetry show and podcast as well as live poetry readings.
Roxi Power’s book, The Songs That Objects Would Sing was published in 2023; her next book will be published by Carbonation Press in 2025. She’s received an AWP Intro Award and has been published in American Poetry Review, Black Warrior Review, Puerto del Sol, etc. She founded the trans-genre anthology series, Viz. Inter-Arts, at the University of California, Santa Cruz where she teaches. She podcasts for The Hive Poetry Collective.
S’mores & Stories
Lexi Pandell (host): Lexi Pandell is a writer from Oakland, CA. Her non-fiction has been published by The Atlantic, The New York Times, and The New Republic. Her short stories have been published by Wired, The Pinch, Salt Hill, and New Ohio Review. She is the founder of the Desert Salon writing retreat.
Tanya Žilinskas: Tanya Žilinskas’ fiction has appeared in Chicago Quarterly Review, TriQuarterly, Southern Humanities Review, Shenandoah, Puerto del Sol, The Florida Review, and elsewhere. She is working on a novel about early internet hoaxes and documentary ethics, and a linked story collection set in a surreal version of Marin County. Find her at tanyazilinskas.com.
Jessica Powell: Jessica Powell is the author of the novel, The Big Disruption. Her short stories have been published in The New York Times, WIRED, VICE, Alaska Quarterly Review, Chicago Quarterly Review, and elsewhere. She lives in San Francisco and builds audio software.
Katie Wheeler-Dubin: Katie Wheeler-Dubin is a San Francisco native, well-known for both her relaxed parenting style and systematically eating so many oysters she discovered a pearl. She published I Went to Sleep Drunk and Woke up Hungry in 2016, and made a documentary with Mila Puccini about San Francisco called Water Under the Bridge. She has performed at Kerouac Alley, the Bywater Wonderland of New Orleans, Cynic Cave, the Jewish Contemporary Museum of San Francisco, Viracocha, The Santa Cruz Art Bar, the Moth, Quiet Lightning, The Portuguese Artist Colony, UC Santa Cruz, the basement of Lost Weekend Video and Splendor all Around.
Billy Song: Billy Suiren Song is a film-maker and poet based in San Francisco. He hosts a weekly open mic at the Center SF and leads a writing group at the Page street writers co-working space. He and his creative partner Liz Cahill founded an arts non-profit, Decentered Arts, in 2023. He graduated with an MFA in creative writing from USFCA in 2023.
One of the most anticipated literary nights of the year, San Francisco’s Lit Crawl is a massive, one-night literary pub crawl through San Francisco’s Mission District that caps off our annual Litquake Festival. Lit Crawl SF brings together 250+ authors and nearly 5,000 fans for the world’s largest free pop-up literary event. Started in 2004, Lit Crawl cultivates a unique, resonant brand: smart and silly, worldly and wacky, with events presented in venues usual (bars, cafes, galleries, and bookstores) and unusual (police stations, tattoo parlors, barbershops, and laundromats).
Saturday, October 26th, 2024
Time: 4:45 doors, 5:00 show
Admission: FREE